Monday, 10 October 2022

Vijaydurg Fort - Maharashtra - India

Vijaydurg, the oldest fort on the Sindhudurg coast, was constructed during the regime of Raja Bhoja II of the Shilahar dynasty (construction period 1193-1205). The fort was earlier known as "Gheria", as it is situated close to the village of "Girye". Shivaji captured this fort from Adil Shah of Bijapur in 1653 and renamed it as "Vijay Durg" as the then...

Saturday, 8 October 2022


Tarkarli beach has the finest white sand beach in the entire stretch of Konkan beaches. Notwithstanding the proximity to Goa, Tarkarli still is one of the most popular beaches in southern Konkan. With the Karli backwaters on one side and the turqoise blue sea on the other, Tarkarli is the most picturesque destination and Tarkarli is also amongst the most...